Kaloyan Stoyanov

About Me

I am Kaloyan Stoyanov, a software engineer experienced with a number of programming languages, but primarily working with Javascript. My main stack is React, Node.js and Typescript.


Senior Full Stack Developer

Beatchain November 2021 - present

  • Working on the main product of the company across the full stack.
  • Web Developer

    Ageas UK July 2020 - November 2021

  • I worked as part of a team, which develops the new insurance portal of the company
  • Development, code review, testing, presenting progress
  • Software Engineer

    ARION April 2020 - June 2020

  • Development of a brand new application with React + Redux
  • Ensuring responsiveness on any device for all components in the project
  • Software Engineer

    Bright Cape October 2018 - March 2020

  • Developing and maintaining the numerous applications of the company
  • Development of a dashboard for an innovation project (React)
  • Development of a dashboard tool which analyses data from factory production lines (Angular)
  • Completed a project with Vue.js, which helps connect physicians and patients online
  • Education

    Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

    Fontys University of Applied Sciences

  • Specialized in Mobile development with Android and iOS
  • Internship focused on backend architecture and Docker deployment of services and Docker Swarm, as well as development of front-end prototypes